Oh Muse, Where are you?

Oh Steven Pressfield, how dare you! You rattled my cages in your book The War of Art. Resistance is the biggest challenge of of a writer or so you claim. How I wish you were wrong. But I know Resistance only too well and you have spoken the truth.

Writing is a divine act. So O Muse I need your to smile on me. Wait, leave the smiles somewhere else. I need to be poked. And also inspired. Pressfield uncovered the work of the Muse. Read it here: https://stevenpressfield.com/2013/10/you-as-the-muse-sees-you/

But Dan Jeffries interpreted the invocation here: O’ Muse: http://meuploads.com/2011/10/07/my-prayer-to-the-muses/

And so I make it my own. Resistance I have an ally. You will not win this battle. So Muse do what you do and do it today:

May I prove worthy of your inspiration and strength today,
As I write,
Let your song sustain me,
And my passion go with me,
Giving rise to insight and understanding,
Allow my spirit and body to work in harmony,
Let me see beyond myself,
And into the true nature of the stars,
Let my daily life dissolve,
And grant me freedom from distraction and fear,
Guide my every day,
So that I may always find the time to do my real work,
I ask only for the opportunity
Of open doors,
So I might walk through and serve your will,
I let go of tomorrow and her seductive whispers,
I think not of the fruits of my labor,
But of the labor alone as my reward,
Help me let go of outcomes and focus on now,
Let my mind drop away so my true awareness flows through,
Protect me as I wade into the seething creative fires,
So I am not consumed,
Above all let me perceive purpose in pain and adversity,
And see the will of the spirits at work,
Rather than the illusion of divine malevolence,
So that I might create something worthy of your favor,
And give meaning to my sacrifice.